Premium Posts 2015 Edition is Available NOW

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2015
It’s here!
The 2015 Edition of Premium Posts is an absolute monster, and it is available to download… right now.
Inside you will find a mountain of fresh insights to give your affiliate business the head start it needs in 2015.
375 pages, 65,000 words of tips, tricks, strategies, pointers, bloopers, fuck-ups, brainfarts, bad ideas, good ideas and obscure references to my balls.
This is THE definitive guide to affiliate marketing for 2015.
(I don’t know if anybody else has actually tried to write one, but if they have, it’s about to get blown to smithereens.)
Topics we’ll be covering include:
* How to survive, thrive and kick ass in affiliate marketing throughout 2015.
* Everything you need to know about mobile marketing, and how to make money from it.
* The explosion in pay-per-call offers: how to promote them, and where.
* The adult dating sector as it stands today: the best opportunities and the biggest money.
* The longest post I have ever written on getting profitable with casual dating, clocking in at 97 pages.
* How to test and optimise your campaigns effectively — the ‘Super Affiliate’ way.
* How a strategy of continual 1% improvements can take your business to the next level.
* That bloody Teespring craze, and how you can make a part-time (even full-time) living as a T-Shirt mogul.
* The art of retargeting, and how it could make a bunch of innovative affiliates very rich in 2015.
* Why you should quit ‘affiliate marketing’ and build a majestic performance marketing agency.
* A giant (extended) list of my favourite affiliate resources and tools, with an exclusive selection of dynamite traffic sources.
* And much more.
Note: The price has gone up. Why? Because the standard of content has gone up. Way up.
This release is three times bigger than any other volume in the series. It covers our entire industry. If I taught this information by the hour, you’d be paying for a lot of classes!
Sponsored by Adsimilis

‘Premium Posts: 2015 Edition’ is sponsored (once again) by Adsimilis, one of the world’s leading CPA networks, and general good chaps and chapettes.
I started working with Adsimilis in 2010.
Sean, Eleah and Mike do a fantastic job of matching the top affiliates to the best offers, all around the world. The entire affiliate management team, including my own AM Naomi, is first class.
If you are looking for a reliable team to help grow your affiliate business to the next level, then sign up for an account with them today.
I’m flattered that they continue to put their name against the breeze that flaps out of my gums. So thank you, Adsimilis!
16 Months Later… Thanks for Staying Patient!
It’s 16 months since I last released a volume of Premium Posts.
I had a new volume wrapped up and ready to launch in the summer.
After several re-reads, I wasn’t happy with the content.
It felt rushed. Repetitive.
So I shit-canned it.
I decided not to release any further volumes and I focused on my campaigns.
Then I started networking with affiliates in person.
In Barcelona, Dubai, London…
It took me by surprise just how many people had benefited, in some obscure way or another, from previous entries in the series.
That sparked me in to writing one post, which became the cornerstone of this brand new volume.
The rest of the content flooded out soon after, in gushes of pent-up energy and compressed brainfart.
What I’m releasing today is the culmination of a lot of ransacked coffee beans, and many, many late nights.
Thankfully, this time, after several more re-reads, I’m more than satisfied with the content.
It’s the most comprehensive dissection of affiliate marketing I’ve ever attempted.
It’s probably the most comprehensive dissection of affiliate marketing anybody has ever attempted.
I can’t wait for you to read it.
That's a symbol Finch, not a metaphor :)